Mailing Address:
Andover Borough Tax Collector, Attention: Melissa Caton, 137 Main Street,
Andover, NJ 07821
Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax
Collector to acknowledge postmarks, therefore, taxes must be received in
the office on or before the 10th. However, if the 10th falls on a weekend
or legal holiday, you have until the next business day to make payment.
Payments received after the grace period will be assessed 8% interest per
annum on the first $1500.00 of delinquency and 18% per annum on all
balances over $1500.00. Any balances over $10,000.00 at December 31 will
be assessed an additional flat 6% penalty.* Property tax bills are mailed once a year in July and contain four (4)
quarterly payments.
* Taxes are due February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1.
* If you pay your taxes through your mortgage company, the statement will
say "This is not a bill, for advice only". If you receive an "advise only"
statement, but do not have a mortgage company, please use this statement
to pay your taxes
* When selling your property, this bill must be handed over to the new
owner at the time of closing
* Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying your taxes
or the interest due on delinquent taxes.
Tax Relief Programs:
Senior Citizen's / Disabled Annual Property Tax Deduction:
An annual $250 deduction for those 65 or older or permanently and totally
disabled or qualifies as a surviving spouse of a senior citizen or
disabled person with incomes less than $10,000 per year, excluding Social
Security payments and other permitted exclusions. Applications must own
and reside in the home on which the deduction is claimed.
2023 Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement):
A program only for those 65 or older or those receiving federal
disability benefits. Residents must have paid property taxes on their
principal residence directly or through mobile home park fees. Applicants
must be NJ residents for at least 10 years and must have lived in the
residence on which the reimbursement is claimed for at least 3 years.
There are income limitations. Applicants must meet all requirements for
the base and reimbursement years. The reimbursements equal to the
difference between the taxes paid in the reimbursement year and the base
year. This program is administered by the NJ Division of Taxation.
NEW 2023 Eligibility Requirements*
• You were age 65 or older on December 31, 2022, or you were
receiving Social Security disability payments on December 31, 2022, and
also on December 31, 2023;
• You owned and lived in your home or leased a site in a mobile home park
for a manufactured or mobile home that you owned since December 31, 2019,
or earlier;
• You paid all 2022 property taxes by June 1, 2023, and all 2023 property
taxes by June 1, 2024;
• Your annual income was $150,000* or less in 2022 and $163,050* or
less in 2023. With some exceptions, all income must be taken into account,
including Social Security, pension, etc.
Eligibility rules, income limits, and benefits may be changed by the
State Budget that will take effect on July 1, 2024.
For Additional Information:
Visit: , select I am Looking for
Property Tax Relief, and then Senior Freeze Program;
Call the Senior Freeze Hotline: 1 (800) 882-6597.
Persons must make an appointment to visit a Regional Information Center:
For locations that are open, go to and
select Contact Us;
To file a PTR-1 or PTR-2 application online, go to, select I am Looking for
Property Tax Relief and then Senior Freeze Program;
Text Telephone Service (TTY/TDD) for hearing-impaired users: 1 (800)
286-6613 or (609) 984-7300;
Taxation email address for Senior Freeze and general tax questions:
Click here for Senior
Citizens / Disabled Annual Tax Deduction Form
Veteran's Deduction:
An annual deduction of $250 from property taxes is available to qualified
veterans or non-remarried widows of veterans. Claimant must be a New
Jersey citizen prior to October 1st of pretax year.
Click here for Veteran Tax
Deduction Form
Veterans, who were honorably discharged and actively served during the
following wars may apply for a deduction: Joint Guard Mission-Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Joint Endeavor Mission-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Restore Hope
Mission-Somalia, Operation "Desert Shield/Desert Storm", Panama
Peacekeeping Mission, Lebanon Peacekeeping Mission, Grenada Peacekeeping
Mission, Vietnam Conflict, Korean Conflict, World War I and World War II.
Dates of induction/service apply.
Veteran Disabled Exemption:
Click here for Form for Form, eligibility and general instructions
Division of Taxation Property Tax Relief Program
NJDCA Winter
Termination Program:
Are you having trouble paying your electric, sewer and/or water bills?
If the answer is yes, you may be able to temporarily stop your service
from being disconnected through the State’s Winter Termination
The Winter Termination Program prevents service discontinuation for
eligible households from November 15th through March 15th.
Your service cannot be disconnected from November 15th through March
15th if you are receiving benefits from one of the below programs:
1. Federal Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
2. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).
3. Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
4. Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD).
5. General Assistance (GA) benefits.
6. Universal Service Fund (USF).
7. Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program.
8. Lifeline Credit Program
9. State or local program that provides assistance, specifically, to
help eligible customers pay electric,sewer, or water bills.
click here for the DCA
Winter Termination Notice
click here for the DCA
Winter Termination Program Flyer
click here for the DCA Winter
Termination Self-Certification Form
Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and
Renters (ANCHOR)
This program provides property tax relief to New Jersey residents who
owned or rented their principal residence (main home) on October 1,
2019, and met the income limits. ANCHOR replaces the Homestead Benefit
The deadline for filing your ANCHOR benefit application is December
30, 2022. The State will begin paying ANCHOR benefits in the late
Spring of 2023. ANCHOR payments will be paid in the form of a direct
deposit or check, not as credits to property tax bills. Homeowners who
filed a Homestead Benefit application last year may be able to obtain
their ID and PIN numbers online. Tenants do not need an ID or PIN
number to file.
Visit the
State's ANCHOR page for all filing information.
You are considered a homeowner if, on October 1, 2019, you:
- Owned a
- Owned a
condominium and paid property taxes on your unit;
- Were a
resident shareholder of a cooperative housing complex;
- Were a
resident of a continuing care retirement community and your
continuing care contract requires you to pay the proportionate share
of property taxes attributable to your unit.
You do not qualify if your residence was completely
exempt from paying property taxes or you made P.I.L.O.T.
(Payments-in-Lieu-of-Tax) payments.
Learn more...
You are considered a tenant if, on October 1, 2019, you:
- Rented an
apartment, condominium, or house;
- Rented or
owned a mobile home located in a mobile home park.
You do not qualify if you lived in tax-exempt,
subsidized, or campus housing |
Tax Assessment Office |
Tax Assessment Records Search:
Tax Maps: click here
Farmland Assessment: |
Farmland assessment is a
reduced rate for property that is at least 5 acres actively devoted
to agriculture and meets other requirements on an annual basis. The
owner must establish at least two years of activity prior to being
allowed into the farm assessment program. The filing and
administering of the application is done locally by the Tax
Farmland meeting the requirements for eligibility can receive
preferential assessment. The assessment is based on productivity and
agricultural or horticultural use of the land.
Eligibility Requirements: |
- Applicant
must own the land.
- Owner must
apply for Farmland Assessment on Form FA-1 with municipal tax
assessor annually on or before August 1 of the year immediately
preceding the tax year.
- Land must
be devoted to agricultural or horticultural uses for at least two
years prior to the tax year.
- Land must
consist of at least 5 contiguous acres.
- Gross
sales of products from the land must total $1,000 per year for the
first 5 acres, plus $5 per acre for each acre over 5, except in
the case of woodland or wetland where the income requirement $500
per year for the first 5 acres plus $.50 per acre for any acreage
over 5.
- Owner must
represent that the land will continue in agricultural or
horticultural use to the end of the tax year for which application
is made.
- Change to
a use other than agricultural or horticultural results in
additional taxes referred to as rollback taxes (taxes that would
have been paid had the land been valued and taxed as other land
minus taxes paid under farmland assessment).
Tax Appeals: |
Tax appeals can be filed
annually on a property by the owner on or before April 1st of the
tax year. An appeal must be filed with the Sussex County Board of
Taxation, the Tax Assessor and Township Clerk. Direct appeals to the
NJ State Tax Court can only be filed if the assessment exceeds
$1,000,000. A tax appeal is an appeal of your tax assessment
compared to the market value of your property not on your property
When appealing your assessment, evidence must be supplied that
supports the market value of your property. Comparing your
assessment to another property assessment is not valid evidence of
an incorrect assessment. Once an appeal has been filed, the Tax
Assessor will review the evidence presented along with inspecting
the property under appeal. Based on this evaluation, a determination
will be made to either recommend a reduction to the County Tax Board
or a defense of the appeal will be presented to the Tax Board at the
time of a hearing.
The County Tax Board will usually hear all tax appeals prior to June
30th of the tax year and will render a judgment based on the
evidence presented at the hearing by both the taxpayer and the Tax
Assessor for the Municipality.
Forms, Instructions and “A Guide to Tax Appeal Hearings” may be
obtained on the County Board of Taxation website:
Sussex County Department of Taxation
83 Spring Street, Suite 301
Newton, New Jersey 07860
Tax Rate and Ratio: |